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Home > Pokémon Event Questions > How to Import a Deck List from Pokémon TCG Live
How to Import a Deck List from Pokémon TCG Live
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RK9 supports importing Standard Format deck lists which have been exported from Pokémon TCG Live.


Step 1 - Exporting your Deck:


First you will need to sign into your Pokémon TCG Live account.
Once you are in the game select the DECKS tab.
From the DECKS screen select the deck you want to export.


When you have selected the deck to export you will see a set of options, select the EXPORT option.
You will now see a message Deck copied to clipboard. This means that your deck has been exported successfully.



Step 2 - Importing your deck into


Go to the Deck List Creator.

Select the box labeled Import from Pokémon TCG Live, this will open a text window underneath the button.


You can now paste your copied deck list into this window.

  • On most systems you can paste by right-clicking and selecting paste.
  • On mobile you may need to long press on the box to see an option to paste.
  • If you’re on a computer, you could also use a keyboard shortcut - on Windows, it’s CTRL+V, and on MacOS, it’s ⌘+V.


Once pasted click on the Convert deck list button.

Your converted list will now show below the card search window of the Deck List Creator.


Check that each card is correct before saving. Ensure that each Pokémon's collector number and set code match the cards that you are going to play.


Once your list is correct, click the Save Standard legal decklist button above the list to save it.


Important Notes


  • It's possible that your cards in real life, your Pokémon TCG Live deck, and even the list generated by Pokémon TCG Live are different. Be sure the set code and collector number for each Pokémon is completely accurate to the physical cards you are playing before saving or submitting.
  • Pokémon TCG Live doesn’t have every single variant of every card, as you may already be aware. You may need to manually add any missing cards or correct cards in your list to match your real deck.
  • Like Pokémon TCG Live, the Deck List Creator doesn’t have every single variant of every card either. Any cards that couldn’t be imported will be shown below the deck list in yellow:

  • If you want to use Trainer or Energy cards that are format-legal but are not in the Deck List Creator, that's fine! Just like a paper deck list, you don't need to list set and number for Trainer and Energy cards, so simply choose other prints of that card. Once you add the cards, you'll see that just the names are listed, not the set and number.
  • Any cards that were imported and are not legal in Standard will be shown in red. You can’t play those cards in a Standard tournament and you’ll need to remove them. If your deck was marked as Standard legal in Pokémon TCG Live, this should not happen.


  • Remove those cards by clicking the red trash icon.
  • If there is a Pokémon you want to use that is not in the Deck List Creator, double check that the card is in the current tournament format. See section 5.4 in the Tournament Rules Handbook and the Pokémon TCG Promo Card Legality Status page on to see if the card is legal. If you’ve double-checked and believe we’re missing a card, please submit a support ticket at
  • While the Deck List Creator does its best to check for legality, it is ultimately the player’s responsibility to ensure that a submitted deck is legal. 
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